Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Writing in Reverse - Optimistic

A story based on the photos shot by Bill Sullivan.

James is generally a very happy person who when the sun comes up is all smiles. People wonder what's the secret and James says it's all in the music, his music that is. James is all about optimistic music , music that uplifts him such as Jason Maraz. No matter where James is he spiritually feels the music. So much so that he will close his eyes and start jamming, with a little left hip swish and a right hand snap. James loves his positive friends and his five cats even if they do pee on his carpet. James girlfriend Cicily does not understand why James will not wear more fashionable clothes . James thinks Cicily cares to much of what people think about her, so they break up.James is not altered by his new found freedom and feels as if life could not get any better. James heads off to his graphic design job called " Get With It" listening to his lovely Jason Maraz who seems to capture his heart more than Cicily ever did.


  1. I like your story you gave your character a lot of personailty in a few lines. That's something i struggle with condensing what i want to say

  2. i like that your character has something special that makes him happy no matter what happens.
