Wednesday, September 16, 2009

View on america in Afghanistan

I agree with Evan that we need to fix what we created (a mess) because it would not be right to contribute to a mess and not help clean it up. so there for we need to stay for only that reason. I also believe that our army needs to watch very closely for suspicious activity to keep everyone safe but on our land to prevent terrorist attacks.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Story of Barder

Barder was always a normal street dog with no home and low self esteem.Until one day a little boy with an orange turban approached the alley kicking a tiny pebble with black shiny spots and it's gray smooth surface. Barder was timid and moved back into the dark corner shadows of an old tattered box. The boy sharply looked up at the noises direction and slowly walked toward the tattered box.Barder was scared , the boy looked down and whispers "don't be afraid I won't hurt you , I live just around the alley way and walk by often, often enough to hear your thoughts.
The boys turban glowed Barder was impressed , but still timid.
" You Barder are depressed and I, well... I need a friend. I believe we all need friends". The boy was smiley a warm golden smile across his face. Barder moved closer as the boy spoke, Barder had a feeling this boy was as kind as his mother would have been if the child soilders didn't shoot her. Barder would never get over that, but this boy was offering friendship and no one ever paid to Barder.
The boy stroked Barder and walked back down the alley from where he came. " come Barder aren't you hungry". Barder was and he trusted the young boy of only about thirteen.
Barder the boy spoke I am not a normal person and you not a normal dog, come let me show you what I mean do not be afraid you are bound to be great"
Barder never felt so special in his life as the boy climbed a top his back and they flew off. " Barder said the boy my turban is me and i am it, but with out my orange turban we would never be amongst the clouds for it is my magic and i am the transfer no else, but me."
That night Barder did not know it , but it was the the happiest and last of his time.

Next Day

The next day a girl passed the alley way and notices a dog in a dark corner in a old tattered box, lying next to his lifeless body was a orange turban blowing in the wind.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Writing in Reverse - Optimistic

A story based on the photos shot by Bill Sullivan.

James is generally a very happy person who when the sun comes up is all smiles. People wonder what's the secret and James says it's all in the music, his music that is. James is all about optimistic music , music that uplifts him such as Jason Maraz. No matter where James is he spiritually feels the music. So much so that he will close his eyes and start jamming, with a little left hip swish and a right hand snap. James loves his positive friends and his five cats even if they do pee on his carpet. James girlfriend Cicily does not understand why James will not wear more fashionable clothes . James thinks Cicily cares to much of what people think about her, so they break up.James is not altered by his new found freedom and feels as if life could not get any better. James heads off to his graphic design job called " Get With It" listening to his lovely Jason Maraz who seems to capture his heart more than Cicily ever did.