Monday, November 2, 2009

Food Article

When reading "In Defense of Food" I was really interested in what Michael Pollan was saying about how for years before processed foods health was good. I agreed with him about how our ancestors and places around the world have low rates of cancer,heart disease, and obesity because they cook from scratch and use natural foods.It was amazing that the government tried to cover health information up because they wanted people to keep buying their products. The industry did this as well for money. It's appalling people should be looking out for one another to keep each other a live and healthy, but no people are just greedy. Because of this greed now people have a interesting view on what healthy is, and because of this greed science has warped what is healthy and what is not even though thy don't know much. In the article Michael was talking about how margarine used to be healthier than butter but now we know different and nutritionist gave that information. I found it scary to know that industries were lying for money and scientist were not fully clear on what was healthy and what was not.I believe that people should eat more vegetables and fruit and natural foods, and knowing that obesity, heart disease, and cancer dropped during world war two because of the lowered rations. Meat and dairy was cut back so much and health was good and then after world war two the rations went back up and it all started again. I also believe that Americans are obsessed with health, but i think they have a right to be with all the processed and tampered with unnatural foods on the market today. I also think that with all the diet related health problems such a obesity and diabetes that of course Americans will be health crazed.Overall it was a very good captivating article.

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